CP-Algorithms | Internal Links | Dofollow |
Binary Exponentiation | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Euclidean algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Extended Euclidean Algorithm | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Linear Diophantine Equations | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Fibonacci Numbers | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Sieve of Eratosthenes | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Sieve of Eratosthenes With Linear Time Complexity | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Primality tests | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Integer factorization | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Euler's totient function | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Number of divisors / sum of divisors | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Modular Inverse | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Linear Congruence Equation | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Chinese Remainder Theorem | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Factorial modulo \(p\) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Discrete Log | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Primitive Root | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Discrete Root | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Montgomery Multiplication | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Balanced Ternary | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Gray code | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Enumerating submasks of a bitmask | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Arbitrary-Precision Arithmetic | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Fast Fourier transform | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Operations on polynomials and series | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Minimum Stack / Minimum Queue | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Sparse Table | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Disjoint Set Union | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Fenwick Tree | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Sqrt Decomposition | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Segment Tree | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Treap | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Sqrt Tree | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Randomized Heap | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Deleting from a data structure in O(T(n)log n) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Divide and Conquer DP | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Dynamic Programming on Broken Profile. Problem "Parquet" | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Finding the largest zero submatrix | Internal Links | Nofollow |
String Hashing | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Rabin-Karp for String Matching | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Prefix function - Knuth-Morris-Pratt | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Z-function | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Suffix Array | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Aho-Corasick algorithm | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Suffix Tree | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Suffix Automaton | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Lyndon factorization | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Expression parsing | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Manacher's Algorithm - Finding all sub-palindromes in O(N) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Finding repetitions | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Gauss & System of Linear Equations | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Gauss & Determinant | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Kraut & Determinant | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Rank of a matrix | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Finding Power of Factorial Divisor | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Binomial Coefficients | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Catalan Numbers | Internal Links | Nofollow |
The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Burnside's lemma / Pólya enumeration theorem | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Stars and bars | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Generating all \(K\)-combinations | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Placing Bishops on a Chessboard | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Balanced bracket sequences | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Counting labeled graphs | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Ternary Search | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Newton's method for finding roots | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Integration by Simpson's formula | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Basic Geometry | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Finding the equation of a line for a segment | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Intersection Point of Lines | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Check if two segments intersect | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Intersection of Segments | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Circle-Line Intersection | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Circle-Circle Intersection | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Common tangents to two circles | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Length of the union of segments | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Oriented area of a triangle | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Area of simple polygon | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Check if points belong to the convex polygon in O(log N) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Minkowski sum of convex polygons | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Pick's Theorem - area of lattice polygons | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Lattice points of non-lattice polygon | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Convex hull construction using Graham's Scan | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Convex hull trick and Li Chao tree | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Search for a pair of intersecting segments | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Point location in O(log N) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Finding the nearest pair of points | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagram | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Vertical decomposition | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Half-plane intersection - S&I Algorithm in O(Nlog N) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Breadth First Search | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Depth First Search | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Finding Connected Components | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Finding Bridges in O(N+M) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Finding Bridges Online | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Finding Articulation Points in O(N+M) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Strongly Connected Components and Condensation Graph | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Strong Orientation | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Dijkstra - finding shortest paths from given vertex | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Dijkstra on sparse graphs | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Bellman-Ford - finding shortest paths with negative weights | Internal Links | Nofollow |
0-1 BFS | Internal Links | Nofollow |
D´Esopo-Pape algorithm | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Floyd-Warshall - finding all shortest paths | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Number of paths of fixed length / Shortest paths of fixed length | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Minimum Spanning Tree - Prim's Algorithm | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Minimum Spanning Tree - Kruskal | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Minimum Spanning Tree - Kruskal with Disjoint Set Union | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Second best Minimum Spanning Tree - Using Kruskal and Lowest Common Ancestor | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Kirchhoff Theorem | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Prüfer code | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Checking a graph for acyclicity and finding a cycle in O(M) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Finding a Negative Cycle in the Graph | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Eulerian Path | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Lowest Common Ancestor | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Lowest Common Ancestor - Binary Lifting | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Lowest Common Ancestor - Farach-Colton and Bender algorithm | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Solve RMQ by finding LCA | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Lowest Common Ancestor - Tarjan's off-line algorithm | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Maximum flow - Ford-Fulkerson and Edmonds-Karp | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Maximum flow - Push-relabel algorithm | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Maximum flow - Push-relabel algorithm improved | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Maximum flow - Dinic's algorithm | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Maximum flow - MPM algorithm | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Flows with demands | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Minimum-cost flow | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Assignment problem. Solution using min-cost-flow in O (N^5) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Bipartite Graph Check | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Kuhn' Algorithm - Maximum Bipartite Matching | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Topological Sorting | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Edge connectivity / Vertex connectivity | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Tree painting | Internal Links | Nofollow |
2-SAT | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Heavy-light decomposition | Internal Links | Nofollow |
RMQ task (Range Minimum Query - the smallest element in an interval) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Longest increasing subsequence | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Search the subsegment with the maximum/minimum sum | Internal Links | Nofollow |
K-th order statistic in O(N) | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Games on arbitrary graphs | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Sprague-Grundy theorem. Nim | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Scheduling jobs on one machine | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Scheduling jobs on two machines | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Optimal schedule of jobs given their deadlines and durations | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Josephus problem | Internal Links | Nofollow |
15 Puzzle Game: Existence Of The Solution | Internal Links | Nofollow |
The Stern-Brocot Tree and Farey Sequences | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Information for contributors | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Test-Your-Page form | Internal Links | Nofollow |
Page Authors | External Links | Dofollow |
http://e-maxx.ru/algo | External Links | Nofollow |
https://cp-algorithms-brasil.com | External Links | Nofollow |
http://github.com/e-maxx-eng | External Links | Dofollow |
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